Monday, November 29, 2010

Spousal Assault

Spousal assault is also known as domestic violence. Spousal assault also involves violence between people staying under one roof. It is mostly committed by men towards women. Female victims of such violence are emotionally or financially attached or dependent on the abusers.

In last few years domestic violence has increased as time went by and has become so common these days. Violence occurs within a home- away from witnesses which makes arrest and prosecution very difficult. Arrest and prosecution is only possible if someone from the house or someone near by comes to know about it and makes a complain against the abuser.

Most domestic violence don't involve serious injuries, a sentence for spousal assault involves arrest for some time and probation along with requirements to complete management training along with drugs and alcohol treatment. Sometimes a victim of spousal assault can be seriously injured due the way they have been assaulted. The offenders may have to be in custody for one year to ten years or may be even more.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Child Abuse

Child abuse means more than physical violence. It includes neglect and mistreatment of children. Child abuse or neglecting your child is far beyond anything you can think of.

In some homes parents who are addicted to drugs you may find pet or even human feces all around the house and even find garbage pilled up all over the floor. Children who witness their parents doing drugs children might not even get to proper meals or medical care they should be getting on regular basis.

Narcotics abuse, which is an problem of roughly 70 % of child abuse cases. Parents who abuse their children have learnt it from their own parents. The parents who were abused when they were children they might not know how to deal with children and may end up being violent with their children when they are angry or frustrated. Violence may include beating children, hitting children with belts , bats etc or they even end up burning the skin of children with cigarettes and even shake a baby which is known as ( shaken baby syndrome)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Child Safety on the web

If you own a computer at home and you allow your children to use the web on regular basis make sure that you too know how to use the computer if you don't start taking classes how to use computers and the web,start reading books on how to the use and what the web is all about. Start being aware of what's happening on the web and keep an eye on your child that he/ she does not use inappropriate Web sites or chat rooms which they should not use.

Did you know that child molesters use chat rooms on daily basis ?

If you are not aware about what chat rooms are all about its time for you to know about them. If children have access to the web they have access to child molesters. These child molesters try becoming friends with children and promise them good friendship but actually these child molesters are up to some mischief which the children are not aware off because children are innocent.

Take charge of the computer:

> Tell children that they can use the web only for limited time in a day. Give them a time frame that they can use the web only for this amount of time.

> Make sure you keep the computer in the lobby where you can actually keep an eye on your child and see what they are up to and others can use at all. If the computer is in the child's room it gives them privacy and they always end up doing things they are not suppose to.

> Start educating or making your child aware that the web is an excellent source for information but they are not allowed to use some inappropriate sites.

> Make sure you have told your child about the law enforcement agency that if someone has asked your child to meet them alone or they try to have sexual conversations your child should save the chat conversations for review by law enforcement. The law enforcement shall start investigating .